Communication specification
Technical specification
KRAKsat is equipped with two hardware redundant UHF transceivers - parts of SR-NANO-BUS platform.
KRAKsat was assigned coordinated frequency for up- and downlink 435.500 MHz with emission designator 25K0D1D and EIRP 32 dBm. Downlink modulation is AFSK 1200bps and uplink is 2GFSK 9600bps. Satellite callsign is SR9KRA.
KRAKsat downlink communication can be one of three types:
beacon - emitted every 15 minutes
commands responses - specific to uplink type
payload logs transmission - on request, encoded in Base91
SR-NANO-BUS downlink can be distinguished by their frames format. Data transceived by UHF1 is decoded as APRS message (with a hardcoded callsign), while data from UHF2 contains frame in APRS telemetry format (without a callsign).
Beacon is emitted every 15 minutes by SR-NANO-BUS platform OBC. It consists of 8 frames, sent one by one from both radios. Beacon frames are ASCII strings, terminated by \0, containing information about the status of crucial components.
Beacon frame
Data from frames 1-7 of the beacon status are calculated in SR-NANO-BUS platform OBC. Frame 8 with payload status is prepared in the payload software and updated every minute.
Beacon's first line, master status (M1;STS) is not properly implemented in SR-NANO-BUS platform, so data from 32-bit flags aren't generated correctly.
Payload status
Mode and Next mode values in beacon payload status were encoded as 3-bit numbers while having 9 possible values. This software error caused inability to properly distinguish the current payload state.
Commands responses
Every uplink command has a defined command response, based on which the operator knows if the request was successfully received.
SR-NANO-BUS platform contains IMU sensors for ADCS (gyroscope and magnetometer) but because of a software bug, IMU data can't be transmitted. It's connected with the fact that instead of being sent as ASCII, frames with IMU data are binary. '\0' sign that is used in APRS as the end of line can be anywhere in ADCS data, so if it's somewhere at the beginning, all the data behind won't be copied to AX.25 frame and transmitted.
Payload logs transmission on request
Payload logs are saved in the flash memory, part of SR-NANO-BUS platform. There is no special way of handling data e.g. filesystem - every new binary frame is just put into the first free memory address, depending on the payload mode (as described in logging logic).
Payload log frame
Every log frame contains 6 bytes of information - relative timestamp, register address (key) and register value. Its available parameters and logging interval are specific to the current payload mode. All log frames are prepared in the payload software and transmitted to the OBC as described in Logging logic chapter.
Payload log frames downlink
Log frames downlink is accomplished in form of a transaction. First, the transaction has to be initialized and a chosen address set. After that, 1 KB of logs can be downloaded. A part of data consists of chunks (typically 35-38 of them), numbered and encoded in Base91. Base91 algorithm used by SR-NANO-BUS platform is so-called rlyeh's modification.
Although UHF1 and UHF2 from SR-NANO-BUS are hardware redundant, their software has some differences. The biggest difference manifests itself in the fact that logs transmission can be provided only using UHF1. UHF2 can never transmit log frames.
Example of payload logs (1 kB)
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